
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Korean Fried Collards

For a little tongue in cheek humour, I'm calling it KFC.  You know, the collard ranks right up there with cauliflower for me.  In case you don't know, I love cauliflower.  I went my whole life not eating greens...hard to believe.  I took a chance one day on a bundle of collards and I pretty much think that they're the best thing, sliced bread.  Now, in all my previous collard making experiences I made them by chopping  up some bacon and getting it crispy then throwing the collards in and tossing.  Simply delightful!  Last night I did something different.  I had this recipe in hand for Korean seasoned spinach.  Well, I didn't have spinach but I did have collards.  So, I risked ruining my beloved collards by subbing them in to the recipe but I was sure it would turn out.  And man did it!  They are super yummy and I can't wait to gobble down my lunch today.  I paired my KFC with some roast chicken and it is going to be awesome!  * was awesome!  I wish I made more.
Korean Fried Collards

1 bunch of collards (next time I'm getting at least 3 bunches)
1 1/2 T Red Boat fish sauce
3/4 T Coconut Aminos
1T. sesame oil
1 T. sesame seeds, toasted
1 1/2 t. chopped garlic
1/2 t. coconut sugar

1.  Chop up the collards and rinse in a colander.
2.  In a skillet place a very tiny amount of the fat of your choice.  (I had a skillet that I had cooked bacon in and I just drained all the grease out.)  Once your skillet is hot add the collards.  Toss frequently. 
3.  When they just start to change color add all the ingredients and toss to incorporate.
4.  Remove from heat and serve!